On March 31, 2019, Gratefully Blessed Ministries Inc. was birthed. Pastors Eddie J. Pace Jr. and Jacqueline A. Crump-Pace, stepped out on God’s Faith and direction, to begin the Ministry that had been placed on their hearts, three years earlier. The LORD had placed them in a new vineyard, to labor in a new season, for His glory.

     They were led by the Holy Spirit to work with a Nation-Wide Consulting Organization named Start Church.  They had now began the tedious task and diligent commitment of beginning a Church Ministry. Pastors Eddie and Jacqueline continued to wait upon the Lord, as they preceded through the process; and also attended worship service at various churches. They were honored and blessed to be given the invitation to preach the Word of God at a local church in their community as well.

      On Sunday, July 7, 2019, Gratefully Blessed Ministries held its first opening and dedication service. The ministry and building were dedicated to the LORD, at 4425 Home Avenue, San Diego California, 92105. The Lord continued to shine his favor upon this ministry. On Sunday, November 3, 2019, Gratefully Blessed Ministries moved to a new location. The church began to enter into a monthly lease with The New Life Christian Covenant Church, located at 2130 Saipan Drive, San Diego California, 92139. Pastor Charles A. Mullen Sr. presided as the Senior Pastor of our sister church.

     In the midst of a COVID-19 Pandemic, the LORD has continued to be faithful to His Church and people. And when the church was closed for 112 days, he provided the on-line sermons and communications with his people. Also, when the churches were given clearance to have out-door services, God provided the tent coverings; and his Word and Worship continued to be given as well. Gratefully Blessed Ministries celebrated their Second Anniversary on July 7, 2021.

     On Sunday, November 7, 2021, Gratefully Blessed Ministries moved to a new location. The church site is now located at 5106 Federal Blvd, Suite 103, San Diego, California, 92105. God is continuing to bless his church, and we give him all the praise, honor, and glory. Our spiritual journey continues to unfold. Gratefully Blessed Ministries has also partnered with Light of Faith Christian Bible Institute, which is located in Moundsville West Virginia. Pastor Jacqueline is the Dean and Pastor Eddie is the Assistant Dean of the Bible Institute. We are the San Diego Campus for the Regionally Accredited Bible Institute, offering Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees in Biblical Studies.

     Pastors Eddie and Jacqueline are truly blessed and grateful to the Lord for these wonderful opportunities; and are excited as to what GOD will continue to do through Gratefully Blessed Ministries. We are a small, but growing church family. We do not count the numbers, but we make the numbers count. To God Be The Glory; for we are indeed Gratefully Blessed. Amen.